Program Learning Outcome (PLO)

PLO-1 PractitionerLulusan menjadi petani, praktisi industri, enterprenuer, konsultan, penyuluh yang mampu menerapkan IPTEKS secara holistik dibidang pertanian tropika lembab.

Graduates become farmers, industrial practitioners, entrepreneurs, consultants, and extension workers who are able to implement science and technology holistically in the field of humid tropical agriculture.
PLO-2 AcademicsLulusan menjadi calon pranata laboratorium, laboran, calon guru SLTA,  ASN, dan calon mahasiswa magister menguasai konsep teoritis dan implementasinya dibidang pertanian tropika lembab.

Graduates become prospective laboratory officers, laboratory assistants, prospective high school teachers, ASN, and prospective master students who master theoretical concepts and their implementation in the field of humid tropical agriculture.
PLO-3 ResearcherLulusan menjadi peneliti di lembaga pemerintah, dan swasta yang mampu berfikir analitik dalam mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan masalah serta mencari solusi berbasis keilmuan pertanian.

Graduates become researchers in government and private institutions who can think analytically in identifying and formulating problems and finding solutions based on agricultural science.